
10th Right Whale Calf of Season Sighted Off Florida

ORMOND BEACH, Florida – The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) Fish and Wildlife Research Institute reported the sighting of a new right calf, the 10th of the season.

On February 23, 2025, right whale Catalog #3420, known as “Platypus,” was observed with her calf off Ormond Beach, Florida. The 21-year-old whale gave birth to her second calf, having had her first in the 2015 calving season.

On the same day, right whale Catalog #3292, called “Cashew,” and her calf were also seen from shore. Reports to the right whale sighting hotline allowed researchers to photograph and identify the whales. The sightings drew residents and visitors who watched from the beach.

Right whales migrate each winter to the east coasts of Georgia and Florida. From November 15 to April 15, pregnant females travel from northern feeding grounds to these sheltered waters to give birth. Named “right whales” by whalers for their slow swimming, coastal habits, and valuable oil and baleen, they were hunted nearly to extinction until a ban in 1935. These whales lack a dorsal fin, have a flat back, and produce a V-shaped blow up to 15 feet high. Feeding on zooplankton, they grow up to 50 feet long and weigh as much as 140,000 pounds.

When right whales are present off Florida, vessels 65 feet or larger must follow speed limits of 10 knots in designated areas and times along the U.S. East Coast. regulations also prohibit approaching within 500 yards of the whales. To report sightings, call 1-888-97-WHALE (94253) or the FWC Wildlife Alert Program at 1-888-404-FWCC (3922) with the location and description.

The public can track verified right whale sightings through WhaleMap at https://whalemap.org/.

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