WEST PALM BEACH, Florida – Capitol One is continuing to have technical issues and problems with posting direct deposits as of 11:30 a.m. EST on Friday, January 17, 2025, according to Downdetector.com, with even more customers reporting issues on Friday than on Thursday.
The majority of issues reported are with direct deposits, followed by the ability to access account balances.
The problem is further exasperated because today is the last business day before Capitol One closes for the Martin Luther King, Jr. three-day holiday weekend.
On Thursday, Capital One sent customers the following email:
Valued customer,
Starting Jan. 15, 2025, Capital One began experiencing a disruption impacting the processing of some deposits, payments and transfers, which is due to a technical issue with one of our service providers.
Specifically, this has delayed processing of some transactions including direct deposits and Early Pay credit for direct deposits, as well as electronic payments and transfers (ACH).
We’re working closely with our provider to resolve this issue and restore processing as quickly as possible. We expect services to gradually begin to return to normal throughout today and the majority of issues to be resolved by Friday morning.
Once the systems are restored, we will process all deposits and other transactions that have been delayed. You will be able to see those deposits and other transactions after they have posted by visiting us online or through the Capital One Mobile app. For additional servicing assistance, please call us at the number on the back of your debit card or visit a Capital One Branch or Café.
As always, we appreciate your business and apologize for any inconvenience that this disruption has caused you. We assure you that we are taking this event very seriously.
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