Pornhub To Leave Florida When Age Verification Law Goes Into Effect January 1st

Pornhub To Leave Florida When Age Verification Law Goes Into Effect January 1st

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Delivers State of the State Address

, Florida – Pornhub announced that the world’s most popular adult site is leaving Florida completely on January 1st when a Florida law requiring age verification goes into effect.

“Did you know that your government wants you to give your driver’s license before you can access PORNHUB,” a pop-up on states on the site announcing the departure.

signed Florida House Bill 3 that requires pornographic or sexually explicit websites to use age verification to prevent minors from accessing sites that are inappropriate for children.

The bill specifies that the age verification method “must be conducted by an independent third party not affiliated with the sexually explicit websites…. [The] third party that performs reasonable age verification methods may not retain any personal identifying information of the person seeking online access to material harmful to minors any longer than is reasonably necessary to verify the age of the person. Any personal identifying information collected for age verification may not be used for any other purpose.”