Florida Woman Arrested For Drowning Spider In Ginger Ale


Florida Jumping Spider. Credit: Thomas Shahan via Flickr

, Florida – A was arrested for allegedly drowning her roommate’s pet jumping spider in Crestview, Florida.

According to the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office, 43-year old Ilena Rasmussen admitted to deputies that she drowned her roommate’s pet jumping spider in ginger ale on  July 15th at a home on Pansy Avenue.

Ilena Rasmussen. Credit: Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office

The Florida woman was charged with misdemeanor animal cruelty and petit theft.  

Her roommate was unable to find her pet spider, which cost approximately $70, or its enclosure. 

Jumping spiders have some of the best vision among spiders and can jump several times their body length. Both their book lungs and tracheal system are well-developed for breathing.

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